Keep your piano in good shape
Standard Tuning & Maintenance Package
The piano which Yuji meets for the first time generally needs more work than just tuning. For example pedal may be squeaky, some keys are not working or pitch of the instrument is lower than concert pitch.
This package covers fixing many minor issues and brings the piano up to standard condition including tuning at concert pitch which is 440 Hz at note of A4 (A above mid-C). Some pianos may not be possible bringing up to standard level due to poor condition. Yuji will discuss with you what he can do.
Standard tuning fee is $195 (including GST) in Auckland central. $5 to $15 surcharge is applied for North Shore, Eastern suburbs, Manukau and Howick area. Discount is given part of West Auckland where Yuji bases. Additional charges are applied repairs, parts and pitch raising etc. which more than maintenance.
$135 (including GST) for 20 minutes call out visit for small repair and inspection service etc. in central Auckland. Extra $5 or $15 is charged for North Shore, Eastern suburbs, Manukau and Howick area. Discount is given part of West Auckland where Yuji bases.
Contact Yuji if you are outside of above area.
1 day service package
This package is ideal for getting good standard condition after buying second hand piano especially grand piano, including purchase from retail shop.
This package covers many minor and some major concerns of the piano and bring up to good standard condition including tuning at concert pitch.
$720 (including GST) in Auckland except previous Rodney and Franklin area. $50 of neighboring discount is applied to the customers in New Lynn, Blockhouse Bay, Glen Eden, Titirangi (includes South Titirangi and Woodland Park). Contact Yuji if you are outside of above area.
Full Service Package
Create full performance level of your piano.
This includes cleaning up inside of the piano, maintain details of the action parts, re-set up whole action, full concert level of tonal regulation and tuning.
The action (and possibly other parts) needs to come to workshop for basic work. Then it is returned to the piano for set up. Whole job takes at least one week. normally it takes 3 weeks.
From $3,950 (including GST) for grand piano and from $3,000 (including GST) for upright piano in Auckland except previous Rodney and Franklin area. $200 for grand and $100 for upright of neighboring discount is applied to the customers in New Lynn, Blockhouse Bay, Glen Eden, Titirangi (includes South Titirangi and Woodland Park). Contact Yuji if you are outside of above area.
Required repairing to bring up to standard is additional to the above prices.
Dampp-Chaser®, Piano Life Saver System,
Auckland has a relatively humid climate. This is not good for pianos. The action may get sticky/sluggish or heavy due to expanded felts, woods and cloths in the piano action. Metal parts especially strings may get rust if climate in the piano is at a high humidity level.
Even in dry climates and centrally-heated rooms, the humidifier functions are invaluable. My experience is that tuning stability and piano tone is improved with the use of a Dampp-Chaser®, Piano Life Saver System, as the piano is operating in the correct climate.
You can also visit the Dampp-Chaser website at
Upright 2-parts system :
Un-controlled system. $287 including travel, installation, a heater bar and GST
Controlled system, $533 including travel, installation, a heater, humidistat and GST
Grand 3-parts system:
$627 including travel, installation, two heater bars, humidistat and GST